Monte Carlo Madness

Well…we made it! And not only did we make it to Monte Carlo without any breakdowns or punctures, our team won joint first prize for our car design! (The less said about the spanner award the better…!)

Alongside the amazing team in the Martha Trust support car, ‘Knapp To The Future’ were joined by ‘Baywatch Dads’, ‘The Good The Bad & The Ugly’, ‘Ghostbusters’, ‘Grans On The Run’, ‘Hawaii 3 Oh’ and the ‘Scooby Don’ts’. Our convoy of eccentric vehicles drew a lot of attention on our journey down to the French Riviera, particularly after the events of sabotage night!

Sadly, Monty & some of his fellow rally cars met an unfortunate end at the scrapyard, however, all was not lost as the proceeds have been put toward the total monies raised.

Thank you to everyone who donated, it is greatly appreciated!

Pit Stop in Avignon

Having a well deserved pit stop at the half way point with the other teams. We have had a smooth journey so far and hope this continues! Despite exceeding our fundraising target we hope to raise as much as possible for this worthy cause and there is still time to donate through the following link: All donations, large or small are greatly appreciated!

Monty Hits The Road

This weekend ‘Monty’ took to the road for the first time with our fundraising team where he showcased his brand-new look at the Whitstable car show. With a trade stand kindly donated by the shows organisers Classic Music and Motors and with the generosity of the public we managed to exceed our £3,000 minimum fundraising target! We will continue to raise funds and hope to generate as much sponsorship as possible for this worthwhile cause. If you would like to make a donation to our fundraising page, please follow this link:

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